A happy couple get married by a wedding officiant outdoors and exchanges rings in a sunny wedding ceremony

Which Type of Wedding Officiant Should You Choose? Quiz

A young couple is married by a wedding officiant outdoors in an alternative style wedding ceremony

Which Type of Wedding Officiant Should You Choose? Quiz

A simple quiz to help you choose the best wedding officiant for your ceremony.

1 / 5

1. What is your budget for finding an officiant? 

2 / 5

2. Where do you want to get married? 

3 / 5

3. Do you already have someone special in mind to officiate? 

4 / 5

4. What level of formality do you want for your ceremony? 

5 / 5

5. How do you and your partner feel about religion? 

Minister, friend, relative, or paid professional — Which type of wedding officiant should you choose?

Take this simple quiz to discover what kind of wedding officiant is the best choice for your ceremony based on your personality, wedding venue, values, faith, style, and more.